Friday, May 22, 2009

Hang time...


Thursday, May 21, 2009

There Are Certain Compensations... breaking your leg.  For instance:  all the Nintendo and tv you could possibly want.  A family to wait on you hand and foot.  And of course....presents!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What A Difference A Few Days Can Make...

Such a change!  It is so good to see her smiling again...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Party, A Funeral, And A Broken Leg

We had an interesting weekend at Chickadee Lane Lodge. We started out on Friday afternoon with a double birthday party for two happy girls (imagine 13 screaming, giggling and excited young ladies and you get the picture). We then segued to a funeral two hours away on Saturday morning.

After the funeral, we all headed back to a nearby relative's home and the cousins all ditched their church clothes for play clothes, headed to the playground, and next thing we knew we were rushing one of our Little Cherubs to the nearest available hospital that could treat her
two hours away with a nasty spiral fracture from a tangle with a long metal slide. My poor, poor baby. It was a rough time for her but she was such a trouper and we were able to find a wonderful, fabulous doctor to take her on as a patient on Monday. Our hearts are much calmer now and we are sure our little pumpkin will make a good recovery now that she is under such expert care of the loving staff at Dr. Orson's office at Meritcare Clinic of Fargo. What a blessing they have been to us.

So very thankful,


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sitting Pretty...

...but just a little bit camera shy!Sweet Smidgey girl...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Glamour Shot...

I really prefer high heels and sparkle but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

And those steel-toed work boots really do make a statement, don't you think?  

 I thought about wearing my tiara to balance the whole ensemble while I tilled but thought it might be a bit too much.  Maybe next time.




Spring Rain...

One of my favorite sounds in the world is the patter of raindrops on the roof.  I love to think about how my gardens are soaking it all up and are turning lush and green.  And of course a rainy day is the perfect time to remind myself how very thankful and blessed I am to live in such a beautiful setting and home.  God has been so good to me!  I am still in awe of how He brought us here.  When our home burned down three years ago, I would have never thought we would wind up at Chickadee Lane Lodge.  But here we are and I am so thankful, every day.  

Here's hoping you too are warm, dry and cozy in your own special nest on a cold wet day.



Sunday, May 10, 2009

One Lone Tulip...

For some reason there is one and only one tulip on the grounds at Chickadee Lane Lodge.  It was here when we bought the place, and still blooms brave, strong and tall.

I need to plant some more and it is on the to-do list for this fall.

Wishing you tulip dreams and butterfly kisses!


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Silent Observer & Finishing Up The Field...

That little dot of red?  It's one of the Little Cherubs, who upon waking up on a Saturday morning, couldn't find Mom or Dad.  She followed her ears to the field, where Mr. Chickadee was finishing up the last of the tilling with the noisy John Deere rental tractor.
In her bathrobe, no less!


Friday, May 8, 2009

My Idea Of A Garden...

It's a little on the large size. (Around two acres).  We also have two small gardens up by the Lodge.  But we need a lot of room to have our market gardens.
That puny green thing is the trusty John Deere tractor we rent with Mr. Chickadee freezing to death on it.  This isn't like last year when we rented it and had a lovely warm day to play in the dirt. Today is so cold.  But when you are a farmer, even on a tiny scale such as this, you can't wait around until you are comfortable.
I love it when the ground is all tilled and ready to go.  We are hoping for another banner year of crops, with some more peas gone wild, or even more gorgeous tomato avenues.

Or some just plain, beautiful house gardens.

I can hardly wait.  But in the meantime, I am back inside.  It is FREEZING out and Mr. Chickadee, gentleman that he is, insists on being the one to turn to a frigid block of ice on the tractor today even though he is sick as a dog. 

Thanks, honey.


Thursday, May 7, 2009



Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I Wonder...

...will this finally be the year I don't kill off my hanging baskets of flowers?

It is a little humiliating to be the kind of woman who can successfully grow acres of food (with a lot of help from God and family),  but who will always, always, always manage to kill every single hanging planter of flowers she has ever had.

Every single time.

It's a knack, I guess.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Lodge Still Life...

Using the Solar Dryer...our favorite.
